
Welcome to the North Shore Piano Teachers’ Guild. We would love to have you join our organization. The requirements for membership to the North Shore Piano Teachers’ Guild are:

A college or professional degree in music, or the equivalent in experience is required. Experienced teachers should have a minimum of five years teaching, and demonstrate an interest in continually upgrading their pedagogical skills.

Membership includes the following benefits:

  • Programs for students and teachers including:
  • Student recitals, community performances and a masterclass;
  • Teachers’ exchanges, lectures, luncheons and business meetings;
  • Networking with other teachers and a teacher referral directory.

To become a member, simply fill out the form below, send it in electronically and we’ll contact you once it is approved.

Alternately, you may send your membership application to: morganpianoschool@gmail.com or call 978-744-7471 for questions. This is a landline. Please do not send text messages.

Dues for the current year are $40.00.  Returning members and newly approved applicants can pay their dues by Paypal by clicking on the link below, or sending a check to our Treasurer, Norma Brunner, 5 Palmer Road, Beverly, MA 01915

Renew Membership.

View our bylaws here.

Membership application

Phone Number
Alternate Phone Number
Email Address
Website Address
Academic Background
Teaching Background
How many years of teaching experience?
Are you interested in volunteering?